It didn't take me too long to work it out though, having been in Kuala Lumpur 3 times now, i knew how to get to town, i knew the hostel i was heading to and i was overly excited about the curry and roti i would be eating. As i trekked through the crowded streets the smells of asia were back in my life. I was back on the road, i was alone, but i was continuing on. It wasn't scary to me, i wasn't nervous, it was an anxiety which has been 4.5 months absent in my life, that got my blood moving a bit faster. I squeezed my wallet making sure it was there, i patted my passport in the other pocket, and a flash back of the past comforts quickly vanished from my mind as i plopped down on my tiny bed, in my tiny room, with my tiny fan blowing as hard as it can on my travel weary body. One more day in Kuala Lumpur and then i'm on to Sri Lanka.
Forgetting how to travel was easy when being away from a while, the comforts of home can put you at ease, and although i was happy to have my friends and family back in my life, the trasition back into travel was a hard one. below is the beauty of having great family and friends.
***side note*** as i travel one major regret is when traveling and spending time with people i care about the last thing i think about is taking out my camera and getting a picture. I have you all in my heart, everyone in Aussie and NZ it was great to see you.
Seeing the White swirly sands of the iconic beach and getting yet another opportunity to experience the Great Barrier Reef was something i had look forward to for years. Getting the opportunity to do it with my family was even better. Being in a "western" country for the past 4.5 months at first was a bit of a reverse culture shock after traveling Asia for so long, but the familiarity of understanding the customs and even understanding the city of Sydney (having been there before) was something that took me out of "travel mode." having my parents with me for two weeks was a nice treat and in fact it didn't even feel like i was away from home. Saying good bye at the airport was a bit sad not just because i won't see them for another 7 to 8 more months, but also because a bit of that comfort and warmth they brought with them from home was slipping away.
Jill and I boarded the plane for New Zealand, which was what i knew would be the closest thing to home that i would come across until crossing back into the USA. New Zealand a place i have been a 5 times before, roads i have driven, landscapes which i love, familiar food, familiar faces, with a year away from home closing in on me this was a great place to be before moving onward.
Jill and i made short work of the South Island, driving as much as we could
Saying goodbye to Jill and driving slowly back to Dunedin from the airport was a bit of a reality check that my
Finishing up in New Zealand in Auckland was fantastic, seeing Gary and Sammy amongst others was great, years in Tahoe together, countless parties and good times together made this trip to
New Zealand Photos:
Australia Photos: unfortunatly I sent all my cooking photos home on dvd :(
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